Torchlight Class Creator
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09.12.2009 131 KB 5104 Mirror 1


Basically (to begin with) it's an easy way to manage which classes you have installed. Say you have the Orc class installed, and just downloaded the Necromancer class, but don't want to have to keep swapping out mod folders to turn each one on or off all the time. Instead, you can easily add a new class in Class Creator and have them both installed at the same time.

Class Creator utilised it's own mod folder (ClassCreator), which it manages on it's own, so you don't have to. The charactercreate.layout file included is premodified to hold up to 16 classes. Let's see who fills it first! :D

Essentially, mod makers will no longer have to include charactercreate.layout files either, as all the info you need is the class name, and icons (if they have any).

Ultimately, I want this tool to be able to create classes from start to finish, unit .dat files and all. Here's a small step in that direction.


Geschrieben von Tomoharu am 19.10.2010 um 19:39
Ich hoffe auch das es klappt
Geschrieben von lenny am 08.10.2010 um 16:42
klapt der auch?