Torchlight Mod Manager v1.1
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12.11.2009 0,2 MB 20822 Mirror 1


I've now rewritten the program from Visual Basic into C# and decided to release it as open-source.

List of current features

  • Enable/disable mods.
  • Install/delete mods.
  • Configure game file and application directory to fit your installation of Torchlight.
  • Characters are backed up when you use the 'Launch Torchlight' button (easy to restore them later if needed).
  • Create a Torchlight shortcut which saves a backup of your characters when launched.


  • v1.1 Improvements (used some tips that a certain forum member gave me - really helpful)
  • Changed name of disabled mod folder and backup folder.
  • Backup characters are renamed to the backup date (+ original filename), and correctly renamed again when restored.
  • The program closes itself (instead of minimizing) when you press 'Launch Torchlight'.
  • Added a function to create a shortcut which saves a backup of your characters, then launches Torclight.
  • Optimized most of the code.
  • Now only requires .NET Framework 2.0 to run, instead of 3.5.


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